Bees are just what you think they are, black and yellow bugs with a sweet and dangerous attitude about them. Here is some other news that may surprise you (especially here in Arizona) they are not all Africanized! Yes you heard me right, there are a whole host of people who think it is this crazy phenomena that normal honey bees could actually exist, but they do, and to be brutally honest there have been a lot more removals this year than years prior where the bees have been very docile. Don't buy into the idea that they are all out to kill people they aren't; however, that being said you should not take your casual encounter with bees as rare if they aren't chasing you. Even the most aggressive bees can still go about their business without trying to come after you, even if you pass by them every day. The real test of their character happens when you try to get into their hive, or they feel threatened in some way. That is where you hear the news stories and the people getting stung, hospitalized even killed.
So what do they look like? Can't you tell the difference between Africanized, European, Italian, and all other kinds of bees? To answer that question let me ask you, can you tell what ethnic roots an American has? Now can you tell how aggressive that person will be? Of course these questions seem ridiculous when you are expected to judge the character of someone just based on looks, well it is the exact same for bees. You really can't judge them based on looks, and honestly when it comes to their origin it is really a matter of genetics. In other words they need to be lab tested. Now how aggressive are they? Well that is something that was explained earlier, but as far as size, color and other odd things I hear from my clients's all nonsense. I cannot tell you what to look for other than the experience. Now the actual shape and color can indicate different species and even different insects all together, but that is usually a little easier to assess than what is being promoted to the public.
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